Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastYour Phone Number *Email *What would you like to enquire about? *$45 Restaurant Adult/Teenager Pizza Party (+5% G.S.T, 20% gratuity)$30 Add Cocktail Making experience to Adults' Pizza Party (+5% G.S.T, 20% gratuity)$30 Restaurant Kid's Pizza Party (+5% G.S.T, 20% gratuity)$20 Schools and Educational Programs Field Trips (G.S.T., gratuity included)Kids Pizza Parties are for ages 5 - 12 year olds. Requested Date: *Number of adults and number of kids coming:Please note, we require a minimum of 6 people to host a pizza party. Kids parties are for 5 - 12 year olds.For birthday parties, please provide the name and age of the birthday celebrant: *What is the Occassion?BirthdayHousehold PartyCompany Team BuildingField TripYou will receive an email with our detailed policies and frequently asked questions. Once you have read the document, you will be abe to directly pick up a spot from our calendar. After reviewing your request, we will send a confirmation by email. Let us know here if you have any special requests.Would you like to join our VIP mailing list to learn about free workshops and offers?YESNOHow did you first discover our restaurant? *Word of MouthI've known you for years. I don't remember how I first knew about youInternet Search (e.g., Google)Google AdInvited to a Pizza Party or an eventSocial Media (e.g., Facebook, Instagram)Dine Out EventOnline Review Websites (e.g., Yelp)Saw a Feature in a Magazine or NewspaperWalked by and noticed the restaurantOtherEmailSubmit